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Rescuing a Project When It's Gone Off Track – The Why's and How's

Peter Maddison
October 18, 2023
Reading time: 3 min

With today’s rapidly changing business environment, every organization seeks to improve its business agility. While it is common to start a digital transformation program to achieve this, about 70% of IT / digital transformation projects fail, approximately 45% are late, and 25% get canceled! Let’s discuss possible causes and ways to get them back on track.

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Introducing business agility to an organization can have a lot of benefits to a company's bottom line. It can increase revenue, profitability, and employee retention rates. Among these improvements, one change that can often heavily and rapidly affect a company’s bottom line is reducing the cost of delivery. 

Business Agility enables a company to reduce cost of delivery through:

  • improving its delivery processes

  • becoming more deliberate with its projects

  • having a willingness to stop


The modern marketplace is constantly evolving. Customers expect a fast return on investment of both their time and money. The complexity of many technology solutions now resides behind easily consumable web interfaces and SaaS services, making it easy to rapidly switch to alternative products. It is easier than ever to “try before you buy”, and if you don’t feel like you are getting the value, try something else. To counter this, consider how introducing Business Agility practices can protect and improve your bottom line. 


Where is DevOps Heading? 3 Trends to Watch

May 26, 2021
Reading time: 5 min

Ever since John Allspaw’s “10+ Deploys a Day” and Patrick Debois coining of the term “DevOps” in 2008, DevOps has been transforming businesses in terms of software development and deployment. The DevOps culture has enabled teams from the software development and IT operations to collaborate and develop more reliable products, as well as respond to customer needs, to achieve business goals.

The increasing number of businesses utilizing DevOps platforms to enhance business operations has fuelled demand for advanced IT transformations. In fact, according to PR Newswire, the global DevOps market is projected to be valued at over $23 billion by 2027, with the U.S and Canada as major contributors. 

Where is DevOps heading?

The last decade has seen a lot of companies accelerating their digital transformations to improve software delivery. To keep up with the demands of a rapidly evolving business and technology landscape post-pandemic, the DevOps community continues to improve its practices to i...


How many of you have been through something labelled as a digital transformation in the past 5 years? Many hands go up, and several people groan. It seems like we are in a constant state of transformation, which is true. Change is the new normal and transformation is the grandiose title given to the work we build around it. 

Yet many transformation efforts stall or even fail. We encounter many reasons for this, including market pressure, hierarchy and blame culture. Even gut instinct being the primary way to make decisions comes into play! Core to most digital transformation efforts is aligning technology to business goals, which often creates problems with delivering the desired change due to their different goals.

When technology departments drive the transformation, they often need help explaining the value. Ensuring stability to reduce rework through innovative techniques and tools may not resonate. Still, we do require change through transformation for our businesses to thrive. With...


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